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Exotic Plants:

Control of Non-native Plants in Natural Areas of Florida:The purpose of this publication is to provide land managers in Florida with current methods being used to manage nonnative plants in the state.

FLEPPC List of Invasive Species: Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council’s 2019 List of Invasive Plant Species.

Plants Associated with Mangroves: This is an illustration of some of the most common invasive exotic and native plants associated with mangroves.



Mangrove_Trimming_Guidelines for Homeowners: This booklet produced by the DEP is intended to assist coastal property owners in identifying, trimming, and altering mangrove trees in an appropriate manner.

FAQ About Exempt Mangrove Trimming: This one page document produced by the DEP is concerning exempt mangrove trimming.

Field Guide to Florida Mangroves: This is a one page illustration used for mangrove identification.

FWC Mangroves: A document produced by the Florida Fish and Wildlif Commission to identify some of the benefits of mangroves and threats imposed upon them.

Guide to the Mangroves of Florida: A colorful brochure documenting the types of mangroves found in Southwest Florida.


Native Plants:

Native Ground Covers for South Florida : A publication from the University of Florida that lists some native plants are sometimes better adapted to the Florida landscape.

Sea Grape Trimming Guidelines



DEP Mangrove Trimming Application: This application form may be used to provide notice to the Department of your intent to use a general permit to trim mangroves pursuant to Section 403.9327, Florida Statutes (F.S.), or to apply for an individual permit to alter or trim mangroves pursuant to Section 403.9328, F.S.

EPC (Hillsborough County) Exempt Trim Application

Sarasota Mangrove Trimming Application

Signed Form For Permit Mangroves



DEP 1996 Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act of 1996: This law regulates the trimming and alteration of mangroves statewide, including at the local level.

Pinellas County Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Code: This law regulates the trimming and alteration of mangroves within Pinellas County.

Sarasota County Trimming Code

Hillsborough County Mangrove rules


Suncoast Mangroves